Lá an Chóineartaithe agus Lá na Chéad Chomaoineach
Bhí lá den scoth ag muintir Rang VI ar lá an Chóineartaithe agus ag muintir Rang II ar lá na Chéad Chomaoineach. Bhí céiliúradh álainn againn i ngairdín na scoile agus sa halla. Míle buíochas do na tuismitheoirí go léir a thug cabhair do Chumann na dTuismitheoirí ar an lá.
Rang VI had a great time on their Confirmation day, as did Rang II on their First Holy Communion day. We had a lovely celebration in the school garden and halla afterwards. Huge thanks to all of the parents who volunteered to help the Parents’ Association on the day.