Is scoil fhuinniúil í an Mhodh Scoil le curaclam beo bríomhar, a mhúintear trí mhéan na Gaeilge le foireann teagaisc ag a bhfuil neart taithí. Feidhmíonn an scoil faoi phátrúnacht na Roinne Oideachais agus Scileanna. Cheiliúramar 160 bliain i 2015.
The Model Primary School Limerick is an energetic school with an engaging curriculum, taught through the medium of Irish, backed by experienced and passionate teachers. We operate under the patronage of The Department of Education and Science and 2015 marked our 160th birthday.
Ranganna/ Classes
Conas do pháiste a chlárú/ How to enrol your child Cliceáil anseo